How to Learn Android Development as a Complete Beginner

In Facebook groups and other communities, I see a lot of people asking how they can start learning Android development. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the “correct” way to start, which is no wonder given the vast amount of resources available. There are books, videos, blog posts and an endless number … Read more

Should I Start with Java or Kotlin as an Android Beginner?

“If I want to learn Android development, should I start with Java or Kotlin?” This question comes up in different communities quite a lot and I will try to clarify it here. To answer it, I’ve looked into different articles, posts, and opinions of different developers and tried to summarize what the general consensus is. This … Read more

5 Non-Technical Skills and Traits You Should Develop as a Programmer

Learning the technical stuff when trying to become a software developer is not easy, but at least it’s pretty straightforward. The tutorials are out there and you can teach yourself all the necessary programming and computer skills with books, courses and Google. But there are also non-technical skills and traits that you should actively develop … Read more

6 Reasons to Learn Coding Now

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” This famous quote by Steve Jobs has a lot of truth to it. Coding certainly improves your ability to think logically and make more rational decisions. But nowadays you could also say: “Everybody in this country world should … Read more

5 Audiobooks and Podcasts That Help You Become a Better Programmer While Washing the Dishes

I am a big fan of audio learning material, because you can really tap into unused time that you would otherwise spend listening to music or just mind wandering. I always make sure that I have at least 1 audiobook and several podcasts on my phone so I can listen to them while driving, washing … Read more